Orange County REMC hosted its annual Member Appreciation Day fish fry on October 8, 2021 and approximately 365 members attended.
A drawing for door prizes was held and Donna Watterson of Mitchell won a 50-inch 4K TV and Janet Riley of Paoli won an electric trimmer.
Members enjoyed a meal of fried fish, cole slaw, baked beans, hush puppies, cookies and drinks at the Member Appreciation Day Fish Fry. REMC employees prepared and served 415 meals.
Orange County Fiber employees Irish Marina (left) and Matt Figg stay busy assembling meals during the event.
Orange County Fiber employees Darrell Burkett and Michael Holt (left to right) serve cookies and greet members coming through the food line.
Orange County REMC Director Brian Hawkins, left, greets members at the fish fry.
Orange County REMC’s Lorena Lindsey, right, takes time to visit with two members.