Members' due date will be the 30th of each month or the 6th of the following month for due date extension.
Requirements to start standard service
• $25.00 refundable membership fee
• Possible deposit based on credit report
Standard Consumer Charge $36.00/month
Covers a portion of the expenses for poles, wire, transformers, and other operating and maintenance expenses.
Standard Energy Charge $0.1124/kWh​
Charge per kWh of the energy members use each month.
Wholesale Power Cost Tracker $0.0194187​
A tracker is a mechanism that follows or “tracks” some unpredictable costs that a utility might incur in providing service to consumers.
Indiana State Tax 7% of total bill
Taxes may be imposed by state, local, and municipal governments on goods and services.
Members' pay for their day-by-day electric use.
Requirements to start standard service
• $25.00 refundable membership fee
• $25.00 minimum to add to the meter
Standard Consumer Charge $1.40/day
Covers a portion of the expenses for poles, wire, transformers, and other operating and maintenance expenses.
Standard Energy Charge $0.1124/kWh
Charge per kWh of the energy members use each month.
Wholesale Power Cost Tracker $0.0194187
A tracker is a mechanism that follows or “tracks” some unpredictable costs that a utility might incur in providing service to consumers.
Indiana State Tax 7% of total bill
Taxes may be imposed by state, local, and municipal governments on goods and services.
A pricing structure where the cost for electricity varies according to the time when it’s consumed. Time-of-use rates include on/off-peak rates
Requirements to start standard service
• $25.00 refundable membership fee
• Possible deposit based on credit report
Standard Consumer Charge $40.90/month
Covers a portion of the expenses for poles, wire, transformers, and other operating and maintenance expenses.
Energy Charge (On Peak) $0.1671/kWh
7:00am - 11:00am and 4:00pm - 9:00pm, Monday - Friday EST
Energy Charge (Off Peak) $0.0691/kWh
Includes all hours not listed above.
Wholesale Power Cost Tracker $0.0194187
A tracker is a mechanism that follows or “tracks” some unpredictable costs that a utility might incur in providing service to consumers.
Indiana State Tax 7% of total bill
Taxes may be imposed by state, local, and municipal governments on goods and services.
* Wholesale Power Cost Tracker is reviewed quarterly.
* Available to any member of the REMC located on its lines for standard service whose installed capacity does not exceed 50KVA.
Orange County REMC offers several other rates. If you would like more information on the following rates, please contact the REMC.
Rate 104 and 106: Rate Schedule for Electric Thermal Storage
Rate 105: Rate Schedule for Dual Fuel Service
Rate 177: Rates for Security Light Service